Monday, March 20, 2023

Farewell Programme


Farewell Programme


Good morning everyone present ………………………………..

Let me begin with 'Life is a journey and we are travellers. As travellers we change places, meet new people, build new relations and most important, make beautiful memories. Once again It’s time for our principal/director to change station and meet new travellers at a new junction. As we have gathered to say goodbye to dear ............. let’s all pray for him/her successful journey ahead, healthy life and happy ventures.

Let's whisper a prayer for his/her journey ahead.


Today is the best time to rewind those nostalgic moments and relive those golden memories, yes, the treasured times spent with our principal/director ............ I believe, every one of us is going to miss the time spent with you, sir/ma'am.

 Let’s view the powerpoint presentation and relive the moments 

PPT Presentation

Words are mightier, words live forever, especially when they are the outpouring of a heart.  I request ……………………..  to give a message on behalf of the staff.


Some people have the power to guide and impact us greatly. May I now invite our manager/administrator/coordinator to convey his/her wishes on the occasion.

Farewell Speech

Thank you, Sir for your beautiful expressions.

Our admin staff is creative enough to surprise us all and talented enough to entertain. They are here on the stage with an entertaining presentation. Let’s welcome them.

Presentation by Admin staff

Thanks everyone for a beautiful performance.

Sir, as you are ready to set out on a new phase of your journey, we all have more than enough to express gratitude. May I request ................. to say his/her golden words on the occasion.

Words of Gratitude

Thank you, ......................... for such beautiful outpouring of gratitude.

We shouldn’t be dismayed by good-byes as they are simply words to say that we will miss you all dearly and that we will remember you fondly. The seeds of compassion that are sown by you, have grown into saplings that shall be taken care. The guiding words you have shared with us shall always light our way. Most importantly, the moments spent with you shall always be cherished.

Thank you everyone!

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